International Office at klu

Our International Office is the contact point for everybody who is seeking information on KLU's exchange programs. We maintain a network with our partner universities and whether you are a KLU student, an incoming student from our partner network or a free mover, we have all the details you’ll require for your semester abroad. KLU was awarded the Erasmus University Charter of the European Union and participates in the ERASMUS+ program, which facilitates the exchange of students and staff in Europe.

Your International Office Team

Madlen Hebeler

Head of International Office (interim), Outgoing Mobility EU, Erasmus+, Partner Network

Hamaidi Stulos

Outgoing Mobility NON-EU, PROMOS, Summer School, Study Trips

Melissa Gürtler

Mobility Online Expert

Mersida Mokci

Incoming Mobility, Study Trips

Friederike Bölle-Kutscher

Head of International Office (currently on leave)

How to reach us:

You are welcome to reach out to the International Office at any time by sending an email to Our team is always available to assist you with your queries and provide the support you need. Additionally, you can visit us in person at the Student Info Point. The times for our in-person consultations are listed on the right. If these times are not convenient for you, we encourage you to make an appointment with us. This will ensure that we can dedicate sufficient time to address your problems and questions and provide personalized assistance.

Exchange programs at KLU

Here at KLU you have the free choice on how to spend your semester abroad. Either at a partner university within the European Union and the Erasmus+ exchange programm or on one of our partner universities worldwide. And if you still haven't found what you're looking for: we will support you, if you want to do a Freemover mobility at any other university. 

Click the boxes below to learn more about the different exchange programmes.


For students wanting to spend their semester abroad at an european partner University there is the Erasmus exchange program. Freitext freitext freitext freitext.


For students who go abroad to a partner university outside of the EU. For students who go abroad to a partner university outside of the EU.For students wo.


In case that you do not find a suitable exchange destination among KLU's partner universities you can choose to be a free mover student at a foreign university.


We have established a broad network based on exchange agreements with more than 60 partner institutions around the world. 

There are limited numbers of places available at the partner universities, for more detailed information on each partner university and experience reports visit our Mobility Online portal or contact us.

You can have a look at some of the experiences former students have made at their semester abroad in our Semester Abroad Gallery.

Our Partner Universities


Partner Universities worldwide


Partner Universities in Europe


Partner Universitites outside of Europe


Student Mobilities per year

Exchange period and recognition

Bachelor Standard Track

The mandatory semester abroad for Bachelor students at KLU takes place in their fourth semester

Students of the standard track are required to gain 18 ECTS during their semester abroad - consisting of 12 ECTS in relevant fields and 6 ECTS in general studies. ECTS earned for language and culture courses will not be transferred. 

The grades of your semester abroad will not count to your GPA - only pass/fail.

Bachelor Intensive Track

The mandatory semester abroad for Bachelor students at KLU takes place in their fourth semester

Students of the intensive track are required to gain 24 ECTS during their semester abroad - consisting of 18 ECTS in relevant fields and 6 ECTS in general studies. ECTS earned for language and culture courses will not be transferred. 

The grades of your semester abroad will not count to your GPA - only pass/fail.

Master Standard Track

Master students should check their Certificate of admission to identify whether they have a mandatory semester abroad. For students of the MSc GL&SCM as well as MSc MGT the third semester is reserved for this.

Students of the standard track are required to gain 20 ECTS during their semester abroad. Undergraduate courses do not count towards that. ECTS earned for language and culture courses will not be transferred. 

20 ECTS will be graded.

15 ECTS will be graded, 5 ECTS will be transfered as pass/fail. 

The mobility process

Before the mobility

Search for Information

Look for information about exchange programs, partner universities and funding.

Application at KLU

After you have carefully researched suitable host universities, the International will open the application portal in month where you can choose your 3 preferred universities and submit your application documents.

Allocation to your host university

After we have received all of your documents and applications, the International Office will allocate everyone to one of their three preferred institutions.

Nomination at the partner university

After you have been allocated to an exchange place we will nominate you at your host university and you will soon receive the first information from them as well as their application forms.

Application at the host university

When your nomination is done, the partner university will soon contact you and usually send you information about the application process at their information, what kind of documents you have to provide as well as general information like semester dates, course offer or housing.

Allocation to the exchange track in Mobility Online

When you're successfully nominated we will allocate you into the Erasmus or Non-EU exchange track in Mobility Online. You will then receive further information on the process on our online platform.

Creating the Learning Agreement

Before going on your semester abroad you have to prepare the Learning Agreement where all the courses you're going to take are written down and signed by you, the International Office and your host university. It ensures that the courses you're taking are recognized at KLU.

Preparation of your stay

Now that you know your host university and your exchange program, you can start to prepare your stay there and follow the further process on Mobilit.

You need to apply internally via Mobility Online.
 You will receive an email from KLU´s International Office in due time announcing:
• The application period
• The link to the application form 

Be prepared to enter your:
• Personal data
• Choice of three partner universities, ranked from 1st (first priority) to 2nd and 3rd choice • Motivation letter (max. 1 page, 3000 characters incl. space)
• Proof of language skills, if planned to study in another language than English (recognized test, language school, university teacher). It is YOUR responsibility to verify a specific level of English (or any other language of instruction) at preferred partner university is necessary.

During the mobility


Welcome at the host university

Many of our partner universities have some kind of Welcome Week before the start of the actual lecture period. Make sure to participate and get to know the universitiy, the surroundings and your future classmates.

Changes to the Learning Agreement

Within the first weeks of your arrival you have the opportunity to make changes to your Learning Agreement.

Enjoy your stay

Box content here.

Confirmation of Stay

Make sure you download the Confirmation of Stay template from Mobility Online and get it signed within 5 days prior to your departure.

Dies ist ein Text der erklärt aus welchen Gründen man Learning Agreements ändern müsste und wie und wo das geht. Dies ist ein Text der erklärt aus welchen Gründen man Learning Agreements ändern müsste und wie und wo das geht.Dies ist ein Text der erklärt aus welchen Gründen man Learning Agreements ändern müsste und wie und wo das geht.Dies ist ein Text der erklärt aus welchen Gründen man Learning Agreements ändern müsste und wie und wo das geht.Dies ist ein Text der erklärt aus welchen Gründen man Learning Agreements ändern müsste und wie und wo das geht.Dies ist ein Text der erklärt aus welchen Gründen man Learning Agreements ändern müsste und wie und wo das geht.

After the mobility


Fill in the questionnaire

To get a good insight into the experiences of our students stay abroad and their time at the host university we ask all of you to write an experience report. The best way is to do it soon after your arrival back in Hamburg when the memories are still fresh.

Submit the Confirmation of Stay

You can upload the Confirmation of Stay into Mobility Online.

Upload the Transcript

You can upload the Transcript of Records into Mobility Online. A scan or digital version is accepted.

You've done it!

Make sure you download the Confirmation of Stay template from Mobility Online and get it signed within 5 days prior to your departure.

Upon completing your stay abroad, you are required to submit a student report to the Kühne Logistics University (KLU). This report is a vital part of documenting your international experience and provides valuable feedback for both the university and future students.

Additionally, if you have received funding through an EU program, you must also complete and submit the EU participant report in Mobility Online. This report is essential for meeting the requirements of the EU funding program and ensuring continued support for future participants.

Both reports should detail your academic experiences, personal growth, and any challenges or successes you encountered during your time abroad. Your insights will help improve the program and guide other students who are planning similar journeys.

Please ensure that these reports are thorough and submitted promptly after your return.



Box content here.



Box content here.
Learn more about financing your semester abroad


Other financing options

Box content here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Accordion content here.
Accordion content here.
Accordion content here.
Read more
Zuletzt geändert: Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2024, 15:16