International Office at KLU

Our International Office is the contact point for everybody who is seeking information on KLU's exchange programs. We maintain a network with our partner universities and whether you are a KLU student, an incoming student from our partner network or a free mover, we have all the details you’ll require for your semester abroad. KLU was awarded the Erasmus University Charter of the European Union and participates in the ERASMUS+ program, which facilitates the exchange of students and staff in Europe.

The International Office Team

Madlen Hebeler

Head of International Office (interim), Outgoing Mobility EU, Erasmus+, Partner Network

Mersida Mokci

Incoming Mobility, Study Trips

Melissa Gürtler

Mobility Online Expert

Hamaidi Stulos

Outgoing Mobility NON-EU, PROMOS, Summer School, Study Trips

Deniz Inci

Student Assistant

Friederike Bölle-Kutscher

Head of International Office (currently on leave)

Who to contact at the KLU

International Office

For questions regarding your exchange, Learning Agreement, questions regarding Mobility Online, another thing and another thing.

Student Services

Contact student services when you have questions regarding the housing situation, your immatriculation, another thing, another thing, another thing. You can click here, to get to the Student Services page.

The mobility process

General information

Usual Semester dates:

Fall Semester: September 1 – January 15

Spring Semester: January 16 – August 31

During the semester lecture-free period no regular courses take place and fulltime working is possible. You can find a first overview of the next semester dates here. Please use this information only as a general guideline.

Before the Mobility

The Kühne Logistics University (KLU) initiates the nomination process by sending a special nomination link for our Mobility Online platform to your partner university. Once your partner university receives this link, they will use it to submit your nomination to our institution. Nomination periods are from 01.01. til 13.05. for the fall semester and from 01.09. til 12.10. for the spring semester. 

During the Mobility

Before your official start at KLU there is a Welcome Week organised by the Student Services staff.
The Welcome Week includes a variety of activities, workshops, and social events that provide valuable information about campus resources, academic expectations, and extracurricular opportunities. It's also a fantastic opportunity to meet fellow students, faculty members, and staff, fostering connections and friendships that will enrich your experience at KLU. We are committed to making your start at KLU as enjoyable and informative as possible, setting the foundation for your success throughout your studies

After the Mobility

Transcripts are usually ready 1 month after the exam period.

Students can download their Transcript of Records on their CAS profile. If your home university needs a copy sent directly from us, please let us know.

Frequently Asked Questions

Nam cum Academicis incerta luctatio est, qui nihil affirmant et quasi desperata cognitione certi id sequi volunt, quodcumque veri simile videatur. An potest, inquit ille, quicquam esse suavius quam nihil dolere.
Quod est, ut dixi, habere ea, quae secundum naturam sint, vel omnia vel plurima et maxima. Inquit, an parum disserui non verbis Stoicos a Peripateticis, sed universa re et tota sententia dissidere.
Teneo, inquit, finem illi videri nihil dolere. Cuius similitudine perspecta in formarum specie ac dignitate transitum est ad honestatem dictorum atque factorum.
Huic ego, si negaret quicquam interesse ad beate vivendum quali uteretur victu, concederem, laudarem etiam; Quod ea non occurrentia fingunt, vincunt Aristonem.
Polemoni et iam ante Aristoteli ea prima visa sunt, quae paulo ante dixi. Negat esse eam, inquit, propter se expetendam.
Zuletzt geändert: Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2024, 15:16